External links
Every links to external pages were checked carefully by us by the creation of the page. Possible statutory violations didn't were recocnizable at the moment of the linking. We don't have an influence on the content of the linked pages. The respective service provider ist responsable for this. If illegal pages should be retrievable via the hyperlinks, please send us a message to We will check this and possibly remove the links.
Address | Sidos Manufaktur
Schlossstraße 6 92253 Holzhammer Germany |
Phone | +49 9604 90 99 800 |
Fax | +49 9604 90 99 802 |
Inhaberin | Sidonie von Beckedorff | |
Tax Identification
USt-IdNr.: DE 815106093
Bank details
Name of the bank: Sparkasse im Landkreis Schwandorf
IBAN: DE76 7505 1040 0031 5519 22
Account holder: Sidonie von Beckedorff Sidos Manufaktur